` Summing up the results of ‘DumkoFest.Anticorruption’ - the festival of the dialogue
Summing up the results of ‘DumkoFest.Anticorruption’ - the festival of the dialogue

‘DumkoFest.Anticorruption’ – the first festival of open dialogue was held on September 23 in Kyiv. Today we sum up the results of this event and thank to all: investigative journalists, the representatives of anti-corruption agencies, , NGOs and guests of the festival for participating in discussions and polls.

Special thanks to the co-organizers of the festival – the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, the United Nations Development Program in Ukraine and the Estonian Center for Eastern Partnership. So, what we have managed to do during ‘DumkoFest.Anticorruption’? See infographics.

6 discussions were held on the Main and Youth stages. Live streams of all discussions were broadcasted on Facebook. The most popular discussion was – ‘Anticorruption cuisine. Recipes for Ukraine’.

Over 100 thousand people kept track on the festival and learnt about its idea online. 3 thousand people were informed about it offline due to the delivery of flyers on the venue of the Festival.

Summing up the results of ‘DumkoFest.Anticorruption’ - the festival of the dialogue

Almost 700 guests took part in interactive polls, which were held during the festival. So we’ve got interesting data on the following questions:

Summing up the results of ‘DumkoFest.Anticorruption’ - the festival of the dialogue


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