Results of the Integrity assessment of the Department of Automobile Roads presented in Zhytomyr

The integrity assessment of municipal enterprises (ME) is one of the tools for the identification and assessment of potential risks of the ME's activities implemented by the EU Anti-Corruption initiative in cooperation with City Councils in the Integrity cities.

Results of the Integrity assessment of the Department of Automobile Roads presented in Zhytomyr

On 9 May, the results of the integrity assessment of the ME “Department of Automobile Roads” of the Zhytomyr City Council and the Risk Mitigation Plan, conducted by PwC Ukraine, were presented in Zhytomyr. The ME became the sixth critical infrastructure enterprise to receive this type of assessment with the support of the EUACI.

The key goal of the activity is to identify potential risks of the enterprise, as well as to develop a detailed plan to minimize the integrity risks of the enterprise based on the best national and international practices, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise's activities.

Results of the Integrity assessment of the Department of Automobile Roads presented in Zhytomyr

"Today the City Council received an exceptional chance to review the results of the work of the Department of Automobile Roads, assess them and develop processes to improve them. This became possible due to the support of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative”, Svitlana Olshanska, First Deputy City Mayor, said.

The assessment methodology involved the analysis of 37 key indicators in 8 areas of the ME activity. According to the results, the ME “the Department of Automobile Roads” received 228 points, which demonstrates the potential for the company's development. 

Results of the Integrity assessment of the Department of Automobile Roads presented in Zhytomyr

'The Ministry for Restoration and the National Agency on Corruption Prevention were involved in the development of the ME’s assessment methodology. Our goal is to make the integrity assessment a standard of work for other enterprises not only in Zhytomyr but in other cities of Ukraine,' said Taras Sluchyk, Team Lead of the Integrity Cities Component of the EUACI.

Results of the Integrity assessment of the Department of Automobile Roads presented in Zhytomyr

The presentation included a public discussion on "Integrity in the management of municipal enterprises: challenges and opportunities". Among the panelists were Oleksandr Shevchuk, Deputy Mayor of Zhytomyr, Olena Yurchenko, Head of the Department of Zhytomyr Regional State Administration, Taras Khavunka, Senior Consultant on Good Governance at the EUACI and Olga Balytska, Senior Manager of Real Estate and Infrastructure at PwC.

The integrity assessment report of the Department of Automobile Roads is available in Ukrainian: 

 A recording of the presentation is available here (in Ukrainian):

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