The EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI) is the European Union’s anti-corruption support program in Ukraine funded by the EU, co-funded and implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. The program was launched in 2017 as a collaborative effort to combat corruption in Ukraine.
It began as a response to the urgent need for anti-corruption reforms in the country. The program is based on a holistic approach, addressing the corruption challenges from different angles and supporting both demand and supply side.
The EUACI works in the following four areas:
Area 1. Support to anti-corruption Institutions (key partners: the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor Office, the High Anti-Corruption Court and the National Agency on Corruption Prevention).
The aim is to enhance the capacity of anti-corruption institutions, allowing partners to improve their performance. The EUACI provides support to improve the framework conditions of these institutions, including through legislation.
Area 2. Support to promote transparency and accountability of the reconstruction process (key partners: the Ministry for Restoration, the Agency for Restoration and the city of Mykolaiv).
The EUACI is providing expertise, capacity building and IT systems to strengthen transparency, accountability and integrity in the reconstruction process.
Area 3. Support to Integrity Cities (Mykolaiv, Zhytomyr, Chernivtsi, Chervonograd, Mariupol and Nikopol City Councils).
Strengthening the capabilities of the Integrity Cities in applying good governance practices by providing integrity tools and advisory support.
Area 4. Support to civil society and investigative media
Support to enable investigating media and civil society actors to investigate corruption, enhance awareness and monitor anti-corruption efforts.