Zhytomyr and Chernivtsi became the most active cities in renting out property through ProZorro.Sales


This year, Chervonohrad and Zhytomyr, the city partners of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI), became the most active cities in Ukraine in leasing property in the third quarter of 2021.

Thus, Chervonohrad took second place, right after Glyboka village, conducting 10 out of 14 successful auctions that allow the city to earn almost 40 thousand UAH / month.

Zhytomyr closes the top three cities ranking. Compared to the previous quarter, the city rose from 9th place. The city announced 53 auctions, of which 41 were successful. Zhytomyr will receive almost 470 thousand UAH / month from the lease of property at auctions in the third quarter.

The Prozorro.Sales application has been realized with the support of the EUACI of transparent mechanisms of selling and leasing public assets

See the full rating here: https://bit.ly/3jrgVeq

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