Young NABU Ambassadors: 15 law students graduated from the NABU Anti-Corruption School organised with the EUACI support


For the second year in a row, the NABU Anti-Corruption School is taking place in Ukraine to raise anti-corruption awareness among young people who came from different regions of Ukraine. 

During the official closing ceremony held in the NABU courtyard on 20 August, the EUACI Head of Unit Allan Page Kristensen stated: “We at the EUACI are proud to support this great initiative that was developed and implemented by NABU. We appreciate focusing on the young generation – the future of Ukraine. It is important to gain their trust in institutions like NABU as well as in the entire anti-corruption infrastructure. We hope that students will leave the Anti-corruption School with new expertise and insights believing that it is possible to fight corruption and that the efforts done by NABU and other fighters are crucial to achieving that aim.”

Among 566 people willing to take part in the Anti-Corruption School, NABU selected 50 students who first took part in the online school. The most active, motivated, and ambitious 15 participants came to Kyiv to conduct hands-on work with the NABU detectives and meet the entire anti-corruption infrastructure built in Ukraine. During the last day, the students presented their anti-corruption education projects to be pursued at their respective universities in the upcoming year.

“Openness and transparency are key signs of integrity. NABU is open to cooperation with all of its partners and young people in particular as they are the best investment in the development of the state. It is important for us to continue to implement similar projects and to support youth anti-corruption initiatives, ” said Gizo Uglava, First Deputy Director of the National Bureau.

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