Prozorro.Sales becomes the best among anti-corruption projects


State electronic auction platform Prozzoro.Sales became the best among anti-corruption projects at international competition “The Shield in the Cloud Innovation Challenge” that was held on 27 February in Washington. International experts recognized Prozzoro.Sales as an instrument with a significant anti-corruption effect that can be an example for other countries.

During one year only the project team has managed to provide an open and transparent sale of bad assets of banks. The first pilot year of the project work showed more than 6 billion UAH sales, and unique two-level structure provided the system with high-quality service and honest competition.

“We congratulate Prozzoro.Sales on winning this award. This is a significant achievement not only for the project, but also for the anti-corruption reform in Ukraine. However, it is important not to dump the speed, achieve new results and continue being confident in fight against corruption in Ukraine”, said communication expert of the EU Anticorruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI) Volodymyr Solohub.

The sale of assets of bankrupt banks was held with support of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Guarantee Fund for Individuals’ Deposits, National bank of Ukraine and “Transparency International Ukraine”.

You can read more detailed information here



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