EUACI to invite international experts to teach financial investigations tools


The Workshop ‘Financial Investigation, Beneficial Ownership, Asset Recovery, Corruption and Organized Crime’ was held in Kyiv on 9-10 October. Experts from Bulgaria, Spain, Sweden and Ireland shared their experience of fighting corruption and organized crime with the Ukrainian law enforcement colleagues.

The two-day seminar was attended by the National Agency of Ukraine for Finding, Tracing and Management of Assets derived from Corruption and other Crimes (ARMA), the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), Specialised Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO), Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO), State Fiscal Service (SFS) and the State Financial Monitoring Service (SFMS).

“We believe that co-operation among law enforcement is key. We have learnt from our experience in the EU that if we did not coordinate our efforts, if we did not cooperate, we could not work effectively. We probably would not survive,’ said Elena Konceviciute, EUACI Senior Anti-Corruption Adviser.

The seminar shared best practices of financial investigation tools, including fighting cyber crimes, the usage of Darknet by criminal organisations, and fraud with crypto currencies. They have also learned about modern criminal analysis tools, the use of civil procedure in assets recovery and benefits offered by multiple international networks, including Interpol, Europol, StAR, CARIN, AMON, EGMONT GROUP, in fighting crime.

The training was organized by the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine in cooperation with the European Union Advisory Mission in Ukraine (EUAM) and the EU Action against Drugs and Organized Crime (EU-ACT).

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Happy Holidays from the Team of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative!

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