EUACI Phase II Job Opportunities


Anti-corruption in Ukraine is a high political priority for EU and Denmark and is a foundation for other ongoing Danish and EU support to the country.

To continue support to anti-corruption efforts, the EU and Denmark have allocated EUR 15 and 7.9 million, respectively for this cause. EU has decided to award the implementation of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative, Phase II in Ukraine 2020-2025 to Denmark (Denmark also implemented EUACI Phase I covering 2017-2020). The Programme starts on 24 May 2020 and ends on 1 May 2025.

The overall objective of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative Phase II (EUACI II) is to improve the implementation of the Ukrainian anti-corruption policy by supporting the key anti-corruption state institutions; strengthening oversight of reform implementation by Parliament; and at regional and local level supporting civil society, investigative media, business and local governments, thus substantially improving Ukraine’s overall performance in the fight against corruption

The EU Anti-Corruption Initiative Phase II (EUACI II) is looking for 12 national staff/experts in order to support the programme implementation together with an international Head of Programme (HoP) and four international team leaders.

The organizational set-up is as follows:

The EUACI II programme is looking for the following twelve (12) national experts:

  • To support Head of Programme and the team leaders:

All contracts will be for two years with a possibility of extension.

To apply:

Applications must be prepared in English and delivered electronically to the following two e-mail addresses:

All submissions must include:

  1. Applicant’s CV;
  2. Applicant’s letter of interest

Deadline for submissions is Friday 20 March 2020, 18:00 hours Kyiv time.

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