Anti-Corruption Progress In March In a Nutshell


The EU Anti-Corruption Initiative’s (EUACI) March Newsletter is aimed at sharing the latest developments in the anti-corruption field in Ukraine. Among them:

  • the EUACI Integrity City partner Mariupol achieves impressive results in a Transparency International survey
  • the ongoing competition for the head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office enters a new stage
  • a draft law was submitted to the Parliament on the eCase Management System that will digitalize criminal proceedings and is funded by the EUACI.

The March Newsletter is provided following the link.

To subscribe to the newsletter please follow the link.


More news and events

The Civil Society Forum was held with the support of the EUACI


36 regional journalists have begun training at the School of Investigative Journalism


The EUACI launched a National Call for Supporting Cultural Projects in the Fight Against Corruption

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