Terms of Reference for the creation of the brand book and development of other content for SAPO

 General overview

The European Union Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI) is the European Union (EU) program in the area of anti-corruption in Ukraine, co-funded and implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark on behalf of the EU. Based on the significant results of the EUACI Phase II in 2020-2024, Denmark and the EU decided to continue a third phase of the program aimed at supporting Ukraine in its efforts to reduce corruption at the national and local level through the empowerment of citizens, civil society and state institutions.

The EUACI Phase III strategic objectives are that corruption in Ukraine is reduced; Ukraine advances with anti-corruption reform; and reconstruction in war-affected areas of Ukraine is implemented within a framework that incorporates transparency, accountability and integrity.

The EUACI has four intervention areas, namely:

  1. Support to independent state institutions fighting and preventing corruption;
  2. Transparency and accountability of the reconstruction process;
  3. Support cities in war-affected areas in enhancing integrity in the reconstruction process;
  4. Civil society and media in preventing and fighting corruption.

Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office is the EUACI partner in the intervention area 1. In December 2023 Parliament of Ukraine adopted amendments to the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts of Ukraine, which strengthened the independence of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office. SAPO gained more organizational autonomy from the Office of General Prosecutor and became separated prosecutor’s legal entity.

In order to ensure a clear and independent identity of SAPO, to increase its recognition by external audience there is a need to develop a logo, a brand book and a set of visuals templates for social media for SAPO.


The beneficiary is Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office.


The main objective of technical support to be provided to the SAPO within the framework of this engagement is to contribute to the effective public communication of SAPO.

Scope of work and expected deliverables

Scope of work

  • Conduct a brand assessment to understand SAPO's values, mission, and target audience.
  • Develop initial logo concepts based on the assessment.
  • Refine the selected logo concept to align with SAPO's identity and values.
  • Create a brand book that includes guidelines for logo usage, color scheme, typography, and design elements.
  • Present the final logo and brand book to SAPO for approval.
  • Provide training, guidance, and mentorship with the application of an updated brand book and other developed content for 3 months.
  • Create a set of content visual templates for social media, photos, illustrations, and videos.

A contractor will be expected to work in close coordination with EUACI representatives and consultants, SAPO’s chief of staff and communication experts and will be required to report on the implementation of tasks.

Expected deliverables:

  • Brand book of SAPO;
  • Logo for SAPO;
  • Templates of visuals for publications of SAPO on social media and website (at least 10);
  • Set of stickers/icons for SAPOs communication channels and other needs;
  • Bank of photos of key staff;
  • Production of a basic set of branded production (folders, notes, pens, etc.) to promote new visual branding of SAPO.


The intended commencement date is the date of signature of the contract with a consultant and the period of implementation of the contract will be three months.

Bidding details

The bidder must submit the following information to be considered:

  • The CVs (no more than three pages for each person) of the key team members who will be involved in the project.
  • A list of assignments similar to this project executed in the last 3 years- (portfolio).
  • Provide a detailed description of the methodology of work and the timeline of the project.
  • Provide a budget for the services in EUR, inclusive of all taxes or other such charges (up to 3000 EUR must be allocated for production of basic set of items to promote new visual branding of SAPO).

Maximal budget for this assignment is 8 000 EUR.

Evaluation criteria

Bids will be evaluated under the criteria provided below:





Portfolio of completed projects 



Key delivery team members - relevant experience, skills and competencies



Proposed methodology and detailed timeline



Proposed budget


How to apply

The deadline for submitting the proposals is 22 May 2024, 18:00, Kyiv time.

The proposals shall be submitted within the above deadline to yanryz@um.dk, indicating the subject line “SAPO brand book”.

Bidding language: English.

Any clarification questions for the bid request should be addressed to yanryz@um.dk no later than 15 May 2024, 18:00, Kyiv time.