Terms of Reference

Legal Expert on Anti-corruption program implementation to provide expertise to the State Agency for Restoration and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine

The European Union Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI) is a joint EU and Government of Denmark programme aimed at assisting Ukraine in reducing corruption at the national and local level through the empowerment of citizens, civil society, businesses and state institutions. A 3rd Phase of the Programme has been launched in 2024.

Supporting anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine is a high political priority for the European Union and Denmark. By combating corruption, the EU contributes to the consolidation of democracy and economic growth of Ukraine, as well as the successful approximation of Ukraine with the EU.

The transparency, integrity and accountability of recovery is one of the key topics of the EUACI. The Government of Ukraine, the Ministry of Communities, Territories, and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine (the Ministry) and the State Agency for Recovery and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine (the Agency) are the key counterpart of the EUACI in this area.

To support Ukrainian government’s efforts to effectively manage the process of the war-time reconstruction and post-war recovery and to ensure that transparency and integrity considerations are taken into account, the EUACI established the compact Integrity Support Group (ISG). The ISG consists of long-term high-level consultants and several short-term sectoral experts that are recruited on an ad-hoc basis. One of the ISG members was Legal expert on Anticorruption Programs implementation. The Agency is satisfied with the EUACI support so now it needed to involve the Legal Expert on Anti-corruption policies to proceed the policies implementing at the Regional offices for Restoration.

One of the priorities for the EUACI and the ISG is minimizing corruption and managerial risks at Regional Offices for Restoration (RORs).

The new activity for the EUACI in the 3rd Phase in cooperation with the Agency is planned launch of the Program of Integrity Transformation of the RORs (the Program) to:

-          Enhance the capacity of the selected ROR, improving its structure and internal procedures to reduce or eradicate corruption and management risks, while fostering transparency and integrity.

-          Ensure the effectiveness of ROR’s operations, processes and the outcomes it yields by streamlining decision-making processes, combating unnecessary bureaucracy, and integrating best practices from business operations.

The main objective of the assignment is to support developing and oversee the implementation of the Anti-corruption policies at the Agency and Regional Offices for Restoration (hereinafter – ROR) and coordinate the “Integrity Transformation Program” launching and implementation.

Legal Expert on Anti-corruption policies for the Agency will work as a part of the ISG.


The scope of work of the assignment includes different tasks, including, but not necessarily limited to:

- Providing support in development and implementing anti-corruption policies aimed to risks mitigation measures at RORs’ and the Agency;

- Providing support for the implementation of the Anti-corruption program (with the Risk Register) at RORs;

- Monitoring and oversight of the Anti-corruption program implementation at RORs;

- Identifying and suggesting measures to eliminate corruption risks in the ROR’s and Agency’s activities;

- Provision of methodological and consulting assistance on anti-corruption legislation to the RORs and the Agency;

- Development and implementation of capacity building measures for the authorized persons of the Agency's RORs;

- Supporting in coordination of the EUACI initiative “Integrity transformation Program” for 1 ROR;

- Upon separate request, conducting employee surveys among RORs’ employees, analyses of legislation, audit results, public appeals, and publications in social networks and mass media. Based on the information obtained from the above-mentioned sources identifying corruption risks in RORs’ activities;

- Providing written reports on the results of the Anti-corruption program implementation monitoring.

The expert is expected to work from the premises of the Agency and EUACI office in Kyiv (Ukraine).

The intended commencement date is the date of signature of the contract with the consultant and the period of implementation of the contract will be 9 months, expected with the start in June 2024 with a duration of up to 198 working days.

The maximum budget available for this assignment is up to 30 000 EUR (that includes 198 working days and 8 days of business trips expenses).

Interested Consultants can request to get the instructions prepared for applicants by e-mail to the contact person: Dmytro Iakymchuk (dmyiak@um.dk) and copy to Olha Kolodochka (olhkol@um.dk)

Requests to participate must be submitted in English.

The deadline for submitting the proposals is 10 June 2024, 18:00 Kyiv time.

The proposals shall be submitted within the above deadline to dmyiak@um.dk, olhkol@um.dk indicating the subject line “Legal Expert for Agency”.

Any clarification questions for the bid request should be addressed to dmyiak@um.dk and olhkol@um.dk, no later than 3 June 2024, 18:00 Kyiv time.