The European Union Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI) Phase III is the largest support program from the European Union (EU) focused on anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine. It is co-funded by the EU and implemented by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

During Phase II, the EUACI relied in its activities on a number of legal and policy external experts providing their inputs to legislation. The experts that would have extended experience in the field and would deeply know the reform processes in Ukraine, are only few and they are normally in great demand from other institutions and international technical assistance projects.

In order to optimize the EUACI efforts in engaging such external experts as well as secure their availability for the EUACI assignments, a decision has been made to enlist the services of legal entity, or private entrepreneur or NGO for expert services for corruption proofing of legislation and other documents. These services of corruption proofing of draft legislation are expected to be provided to the Committee on Anti-Corruption Policy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (CAP), which plays an important role in strengthening the overall AC legal and institutional framework and therefore is an important beneficiary partner for the EUACI.

The objective of this assignment is to provide expert services for corruption proofing of legislation and other documents of the CAP. This will be achieved through concluding a mid-term contract with a successful tenderer.

Deliverables are expected to be provided in Ukrainian. Electronic copies should be sent by email to the particular EUACI and CAP contact persons. Deliverables under the assignment will therefore constitute the proposals to the legislative drafts’ amendments, draft conclusions of CAP regarding corruption risks and related issues.


The duration of this assignment is estimated to be 12 months starting from the signing of the contract. The total level of effort depends on the intensity of the CAP requests, with the approximate estimation of 6 to 10 working days per month. The average number of draft laws to be corruption-proofed ranges from 5 to 20 per month, each differing in its volume and complexity.

Requirements to the Service Provider:

Tenderers shall demonstrate that they fulfil the following criteria:

  • Registration as a legal entity, or private entrepreneur or NGO according to Ukrainian legislation;
  • Experience on management of project teams supporting to Governmental reforms’ processes;
  • Commitment of confidentiality and conflict of interest resolution;
  • Adopted transparent procurement and financial policies is required;
  • Proven experience in cooperation with the EU or other donor funded project will be advantage.


Up to EUR 33 000.

How to Apply:

The deadline for submitting the proposals is 17 July 2024, 18:00, Kyiv time.

The proposals shall be submitted within the above deadline to and with the email subject: “Tender: Corruption Proofing of Legislation and Other Documents for CAP”.

Bidding language: English.

Please include:

  • CVs of a core project team (no more than 2 pages for each one);
  • Portfolio of no less than 3 relevant implemented projects;
  • Concept proposals on expected project’s implementation;
  • Budget with division of administrative costs and corruption proofing implementation costs. 

The specific requirements are described in detail in the Terms of Reference.