Terms of Reference for

IT Expert

to provide IT expertise for the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) regarding the eCase Management System development

General background

EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI) Phase II is the biggest European Union support program in the area of anti-corruption in Ukraine, co-funded and implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Denmark on behalf of the EU. It is a four-year program (2020-2024) following up on Phase I of the EUACI, implemented and co-funded by Denmark in 2017-2020. The overall objective of EUACI II is the reduction of corruption in Ukraine at the national and local levels through the empowerment of citizens, civil society, business, and state institutions.

During EUACI Phase I and Phase II, the EUACI procured and continued supporting the eCase Management System (eCase MS) for NABU, Specialised Prosecution Anti-Corruption Office (SAPO) and High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC). The administrator and license-holder of the eCase MS is NABU.

A full-scale operationalization of the eCase MS took place in December 2021. The activities were suspended after Russia's invasion of Ukraine and were resumed on 1 August 2022. While eCase is fully operational, not all functions have been developed and launched yet. Therefore, NABU needs additional assistance with IT expertise to finalize eCase MS development. Besides eCase MS, NABU has different IT projects to develop, namely information broker, Data Warehouse System (DWH), and others where IT assistance might also be needed. Thus, NABU turned to the EUACI to hire an external IT expert.


The EUACI will hire an experienced IT expert to support NABU activities regarding eCase MS. The primary goal of the IT expert will be the successful implementation of eCase MS at NABU, SAPO and HACC. The IT expert will be directly subordinated to the Deputy Head of NABU, who acts as the Chief Digital Transformation Officer (CDTO), and would also provide ad hoc support to SAPO and HACC on eCase-related issues.

Scope of work

The IT expert will be requested to support NABU in the following areas:

1) eCase support and maintenance services:

-  analysis of the implementation of the eCase MS system, identification of problematic points and offering solutions;

- cooperation with service providers of the maintenance and technical support services of the eCase MS project;

- development of the terms of references for the improvement and development of the eCase MS;

-  analysis of the dynamics of the eCase MS and forming periodic system development reports;

- preparation of draft operational and strategic development plans of the eCase MS;

- conducting surveys of users of the eCase systems (NABU, SAPO and HACC), formation of reports on reviews, and experience with the user system. Generalization of the problematic issues and development of proposals for their solutions;

- ensure close coordination between NABU, SAPO and HACC as to the implementation of eCase MS;

- on request, provide ad hoc support to SAPO and HACC in their implementation and use of the eCase MS;

- development of eCase MS internal communication strategy, prepare presentations demonstrating the impact and potential of the eCase MS for internal and public use;

-  assist the EUACI in monitoring the implementation of the eCase MS and in identifying areas for further EUACI support.

2) Other IT-related issues:

-  by the request of NABU, provide expertise on the maintenance and development of other NABU IT systems;    

- ensure coordination and facilitation of regular coordination meetings with relevant stakeholders;

3) provide other support to the NABU/EUACI team as per agreement.


The deliverables under this contract will be the services provided by the expert described within the scope of work.


Business analyst/ IT engineer (programmer)

General qualifications:

 University degree relevant to the assignment;

 At least five years of experience in implementing similar projects;

 Experience with eCase or similar systems will be an asset.

 Experience with the region and languages:

 Fluency in Ukrainian and good English skills.

Budget, timeframe, and location

The activity is expected to be conducted until June 2024, seven months with estimated 10 working days/month. The duration of the contract begins following the signature thereof by both parties.


By signing the contract, the Consultant agrees to hold in trust and confidence any information or documents ("confidential information") disclosed to the Consultant or discovered by the Consultant or prepared by the Consultant in the course of or as a result of the implementation of the contract, and agrees that it shall be used only for the contract implementation and shall not be disclosed to any third party. The Consultant also agrees not to retain copies of any written information or prototypes in its archive and for its use.


The deadline for submitting the proposals is extended to 8 December 2023, at 14:00 Kyiv time.

The qualifying expert should submit the following information:

1) CV of the expert;

2) Motivation letter with financial expectations, including daily fee.

The aforementioned information should be sent no later than the deadline indicated above to

the following email andhni@um.dk, pointing in the subject line: External IT expert to NABU.

Bidding language: English.