Terms of Reference

Electronic System of Complex Accounting Assets

 for Mykolaiv City Council

  1. Background and context

 The European Union Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI)

The European Union Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI) in Ukraine is a joint EU and Government of Denmark financed program aimed at supporting Ukraine in its efforts to reduce corruption at the national and local level through the empowerment of citizens, the civil society, businesses and state institutions. In May 2020, the EUACI entered into its phase II that runs till mid-2024.

The EUACI has three components supporting anti-corruption reforms from different angles:

Component 1, supporting key state anti-corruption agencies in improving their effectiveness and independency;

Component 2, supporting selected integrity cities in the efforts to strengthen their integrity, transparency and accountability; and

Component 3, supporting Ukraine’s civil society, media and business community in the efforts to increase awareness of and engagement in anti-corruption activities.

This specific assignment concerns the EUACI’s support to integrity cities (Component 2). The component aligns with the government’s encouragement of adopting e-government functions by using ICT to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, and accountability of government at all levels.

In this context, the EUACI seeks a Contractor that can work closely with the EUACI and its partner cities in IT tools development and implementation.

These Terms of Reference (ToR) provide more details about the assignment.

The partnership with Integrity Cities

The five integrity cities with which the EUACI has entered into a partnership under its component 2 are: Chervonohrad, Chernivtsi, Mariupol, Nikopol, and Zhytomyr. In 2022 the Mykolayiv city council became the new partner.

During phase 1, the EUACI worked with these cities to strengthen their systems and tools to enhance integrity, transparency, and accountability.

One of the tasks of EUACI activities in Mykolaiv partner city is ensuring the resilience of Mykolaiv city council through implementing sustainable IT tools.

The EUACI wants to support the implementation of the Electronic System of Complex Accounting Assets is to ensure comprehensive centralized accounting of economic and financial operations in the Executive Committee of Mykolaiv City Council (hereinafter - EC Mykolaiv City Council).

Technical Assistance

These Terms of Reference (ToR) are intended to meet the partner city’s need for technical assistance with the development IT tools.

2.  Purpose

The purpose of the assignment is to provide a sound technical foundation for the EUACI's support to its partner city in further development of IT tools to ensure the resilience of the Mykolaiv city council

The assignment aims to provide software for Complex Accounting Assets to ensure comprehensive centralized accounting of economic and financial operations in the Executive Committee of Mykolaiv City Council.

3.  Objective

The objective of the assignment is to provide services required for software development in the Mykolaiv partner city according to the technical requirements annexed to this Terms of Reference.

4.  Scope of work

The scope of work includes all the activities necessary to ensure the achievement of the objective above, including, but not necessarily limited to:


1)   Present updated work plan and assignment implementation strategy and considerations to EUACI Component Team during Kick-Off meeting.

the Electronic System of Complex Accounting Assets development:

2)  Based on the technical requirements (Annexes 1) approved by Mykolaiv city to draft terms of references (technical specification) for the development of the Electronic System of Complex Accounting Assets;

3) Present terms of reference (technical specifications) the to EUACI Component Team and representatives of Integrity City;

4)   Conduct and present to the EUACI and City Council team the Analysis of Business processes.

5)    Develop the beta-version of the Electronic System of Complex Accounting Assets

6) Organize the process of testing the beta versions of the developed systems in the city council and address the comments received from the municipalities at the testing stage

7)   Update the systems based on the test results and transfer the systems to Mykolaiv;

8)   Provide training to local officials on how to work with and administer the developed system;

9) Prepare technical documentation, instructions, and manuals. Prepare training videos and provide them to the municipality.

5.  Deliverables (output)

The timelines with deliverables will be agreed upon during the preparation and updating of the contractor’s work plan. During the Kick-Off meeting with the EUACI Component Team, the contractor’s updated work plan will be discussed, including the proposed timeline for the different activities and the submission of deliverables.

6.   Timing

The expected duration of the assignment is 9 months, with a tentative start in late May 2023 and completion in February 2024.

7.  Payment

Payment will be made in a maximum of two instalments.

The first installment, representing a maximum of 30% of the total contract value, will be made after receipt of the contractor’s updated work plan.

The second and final payment will be made upon receipt and approval by the executive bodies of city councils and all other supporting documents, including a Final Invoice.

Payment will require verification of completion of deliverables and approval by the Team Leader for Component 2 of the Contractor deliverables and expense outlay.

8.  Qualifications and Competence of Staff

The Service Provider shall:

  • Be a legal entity with proven financial sustainability;
  • Official registration of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs according to the legislation of Ukraine;
  • Have proven experience in providing similar IT projects, including developing and implementing Management Systems for local self-governments, territorial communities, and business process reengineering;
  • minimum 4 successfully implemented ERP projects for local self-governments;
  • Be able to ensure economic and technical capacities to provide the mentioned services in time;
  • Be able to dedicate a specific team of IT specialists to conduct this task.

9. Estimated budget and level of effort

The maximum budget available for this assignment is 30 000 EUR. This amount includes project-related costs such as, for example, audit, basic technical assessment, and printing. Companies submitting proposals will need to submit an offer broken down by fees and reimbursable costs. Proposals, where the offered Contract Price exceeds the above maximum budget, will be rejected.

Proposals, where the Contract Price offered, exceed the above maximum budget will be rejected.

10. Management

The contractor is responsible for the timely delivery of the outputs required in the required quality and quantity for the internal management of the contractor’s team.

The EUACI will appoint a contact person responsible for the management of this assignment from the side of the EUACI, including for any correspondence with regard to the implementation of the assignment and for issues related to the agreement between the contractor and the EUACI. The contractor will report to and ensure that the appointed contact person is copied in on all relevant communication related to the assignment, including correspondence with the partner city and any other stakeholders.

11. Background documents

The key background document is the Programme Document for EUACI, Phase II, and specifically the draft Development Engagement Documents (DEDs) for the five integrity cities.

In the preparation of documents, the contractor is obligated to take into account the related local regulations, national legislation in the field of open data infrastructure, and standards of the national legislation in the field of open data.

Annex 1 Technical requirements for Procurement of the Electronic System of Complex Accounting Assets for Mykolaiv City Council

Bidding details

  1. The bidder must submit the following information to be considered:
  2. A brief profile (maximum two pages) of the company;
  3. A list of assignments (projects) similar to this project implemented in the last five years;
  4. The CVs (no more than three pages for each person) of the core team members who will be involved in the project;
  5. Provide a detailed description of the methodology and scope of work;
  6. Provide a budget for the services in EUR, including all taxes or other such charges.

The deadline for proposals submission is May 21, 2023, 18.00 Kyiv time

How to apply

The proposals shall be submitted within the above deadlines to the e-mail: dmyiak@um.dk indicating the subject line “Procurement of the Electronic System of Complex Accounting Assets in Mykoaliv”.

Bidding language: English or Ukrainian.

Questions should be addressed to Dmytro Iakymchuk, dmyiak@um.dk no later than May 14, 2023, 18:00 Kyiv time.

 Evaluation criteria

 Bids will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria provided below:





Portfolio of projects successfully completed in financial process software development



Core team members - relevant experience, skills and competencies



Proposed methodology



Proposed budget
