Request for Bids for Creative Development and Implementation of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative’s (EUACI) communication campaign


  1. Background

European Union Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI) is the comprehensive EU anti-corruption program in Ukraine financed by the EU and Denmark and implemented by the Foreign Ministry of Denmark.     

The overall objective of the EU and Danish funding for anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine is to improve implementation of anti-corruption policy in Ukraine, thereby ultimately contributing to a reduction in corruption. The EU Anti-Corruption Initiative is aimed to strengthen the capacity of the newly created anti-corruption institutions and to enhance external oversight over the reform process by the Verkhovna Rada, civil society and the media.

The work of the EUACI is streamlined through its 3 components: (i) strengthening the operational and policy-making capacities of state institutions dealing with the prevention and fight against corruption; (ii) enhancing the capacity of local self-government, civil society, media, and business to contribute to the fight against corruption; and (iii) increasing culture of integrity issues in Ukraine through engagement of the business sector, the civil society and the media. 

Within Component 1 the EUACI is working with the National Anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), National Agency for Corruption Prevention (NACP), Assets Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA), Special Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO), State Financial Monitoring Service (SFMS), High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine (HACC), Parliament’s Committee on Anti-Corruption Policy (CAP). Within Component 2 the EUACI is working with five Integrity Cities: Chernivtsi, Chervonohrad, Mariupol, Nikopol and Zhytomyr. Within Component 3 the EUACI is working with four institutional CSO partners and five CSO projects (program funding) supported through 2020 call for CSO proposals.     

EU Anti-Corruption Initiative is the biggest EU support programme in the area of anti-corruption in Ukraine so far. The EUACI began in 2017 and has since established itself as a flagship program. A new 4-year phase was launched in May 2020 with a 22.4 million EURO budget. 


  1. Objective

To support the EUACI’s communication campaign. The campaign should be forward-looking and built on its achievements during the past 3 years (support to the aforementioned beneficiaries and public campaigns, such as Corruption Park, DumkoFest, etc.) and plans for the upcoming years (the ‘Campaign’). The EUACI is seeking a vendor to provide creative solutions and their implementation in close cooperation with EUACI’s communication experts. 


  1. Goal / Tasks of the Campaign

  • to draw the attention of the Ukrainians to the continued need to fight against corruption and to encourage public engagement to that end;
  • to increase support among Ukrainians to the government agencies that are delivering results in the fight against corruption (listed under Component 1 above) and civil society organizations that are fighting with corruption; 
  • to promote the idea that Ukraine without corruption will fully benefit from its great potential of becoming an economically prosperous modern European country;
  • to assure Ukrainians that they can rely on robust European support to fight corruption in Ukraine.


  1. Target audience 

  • Primary:

    • Ukrainians aged 18-40 y.o. living in major metropolitan cities in Ukraine

    • Ukrainians aged 18-40 y.o. living in each of the Integrity Cities, as described in section 1 above

  • Secondary: 

    • Civil society organizations

    • Investigative journalists


  1. Campaign components


  1. Video clips

The Campaign should consist of at least the following: 1 short video clip about the EUACI and its achievements in general and 3 longer clips about achievements of each component individually. These videos will mostly be based on archive footage to be provided by the EUACI. Additional work to be done would include recording interviews with agreed speakers for soundbites and added infographics. Video synopsis will be provided by the EUACI. 

  1. Visuals

  • a series of visuals summarizing EUACI’s achievements in the past 3 years
  • a series of creative visuals with Campaign slogan/hashtag and/or visualization of the campaign’s goals     



  1. Promotion

  • targeted promotion of the content developed through the EUACI communication channels (Facebook, Twitter, website)
  • Offline campaign coverage (city-lights, metro-lights, etc.) with a total budget of up to EUR 2,000.
  • technical support of the EUACI website, as a web-based corporate wiki, on which it is expected to receive retention of the target audience after acquaintance with the campaign     
  1. Offline activities

An offline intervention that can be integrated into the campaign when the conditions allow. Therefore, there is a focus on the concept development, in case the implementation would not be possible due to the quarantine restrictions. Location in Kyiv with the option to repeat the intervention in EUACI’s integrity cities (Mariupol, Nikopol, Zhytomyr, Chernivtsi, and Chervonohrad).


  1. Campaign reach

It is expected that the campaign will reach at least 2M Ukrainians. 


  1. Timeframe

It is expected that the campaign will be developed in the first half of April and launched in the second half of April and/or early May. 


  1. Budget

The estimated cost of the Campaign should not exceed EUR 33,000 according to the official National Bank of Ukraine exchange rate effective on the date of proposal submission. Services include the development of the concept of the campaign (including creative and media strategy), the production of all necessary materials for the implementation of the concept (including video), and campaign support.


  1. Requirements 

The fact of receiving this offer is not considered as an obligation to enter into a contract for the EUACI. The bidders shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the application proposals, and the EUACI is in any case not responsible for these costs, regardless of the result of the tender. 


  1. Intellectual property (IP)

Once the bidder is selected and the contract awarded, the EUACI shall own any and all intellectual and other property rights to any content developed by the bidder in connection with the execution of this contract. 


  1. Professional Requirements

  1. Organization/company/centre officially registered in Ukraine for at least three years;

  2. Proven experience developing and implementing successful communication campaigns;

  3. Experience working with international technical assistance program / NGOs. 


  1. Team composition: 

Bidder’s team should consist of at least the following:

  1. Account manager
  2. Designer
  3. Strategist
  4. SEO & Targeting specialist
  5. Videographer 


  1. Bidding details

Bidders must submit the following information to be considered:


  1. Proof of compliance:

    1. a copy of the Certificate of state registration of a legal entity or a private limited company or an extract from a single one the State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs;

    2. a copy of the VAT payer certificate (subject to registration by the VAT payer) or Certificate of VAT; 

    3. payment of a single tax or extracts from the registers of VAT payers and single taxpayers.

  2. Presentation on the strategic component:

    1. justification of creative and media strategies of the campaign, including digital dissemination strategy. 

  3. Presentation on the creative component. The creative component should include: 

    1. the idea of the campaign and the slogan;

    2. vision on the style (general concept, which should be aligned with the EUACI’s branding, EUACI’s brandbook will be provided to bidders upon their request);

    3. key visual for the use on social media. Presentation format key visual: sketch by hand or in Photoshop.

  4. Financial and Technical Proposal:

    1. Bidder’s profile and previous experience

    2. CVs of each team member to be engaged in the Campaign; 

    3. Hourly rates and level of effort of each team member engaged in the Campaign.  


Evaluation criteria

The received proposals for the provision of services will be considered and finalized on the basis of the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Strategic component 25%
  2. Creative component 50%
  3. Financial and Technical Proposal 25%.


Deadline for proposals submission is 22 April, 2021 18:00 Kyiv time.


How to apply

The proposals shall be submitted within the above deadline to procurement@ukraine-aci.com CC: Anastasiia Demianchuk, anadem@ukraine-aci.com, indicating in the subject line: Creative Development and Implementation of the EUACI communication campaign.

Bidding language: English.


Clarification questions

Any clarification questions for the request for bid should be addressed to Communication Expert, Anastasiia Demyanchuk, anadem@ukraine-aci.com no later than 16 March 2021, 18:00 Kyiv time.