Communication Specialist for the Integrity Recovery Campaign

at the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine 


1. Background

The EUACI is a joint EU and Government of Denmark financed program aimed at supporting Ukraine in its efforts to reduce corruption at the national and local level through the empowerment of citizens, civil society and state institutions. In January 2024, a new phase of the EUACI is launched. The strategic objectives are that: Corruption in Ukraine is reduced; Ukraine advances with anti-corruption reform; and Reconstruction in war-affected areas of Ukraine is implemented within a framework that incorporates transparency, accountability and integrity.

The EUACI has four intervention areas:

  • Support to independent state institutions fighting and preventing corruption;

  • Transparency and accountability of the reconstruction process;

  • Support cities in war-affected areas in enhancing integrity in the reconstruction process;

  • Civil society and media in preventing and fighting corruption.

To support the Ukrainian government’s efforts to effectively manage the process of the wartime reconstruction and post-war recovery and to ensure that transparency and integrity considerations are taken into account, the EUACI cooperates with the Ministry Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine (hereinafter Ministry for Restoration or the Ministry). MoU between EUACI and the Ministry was signed in March 2023. To strengthen the capacity of the Ministry for Restoration, the EUACIestablished the Integrity Support Group consisting of several experts fully embedded into the Ministry’s work.

The Ministry for Restoration is implementing a communication campaign aimed at promoting best practices of integrity, transparency and accountability in recovery on national and local levels, regional policy and decentralization and other related spheres within the competence of the profile deputy minister (“the Integrity Recovery Campaign”). To support this initiative, the Ministry is looking to hire a skilled Communication Specialist to serve as a key communicator for the campaign.


2. Objective

The main objective of technical support within the framework of this engagement is to provide the effective communication of the activities and results of the Ministry and profile Deputy Minister within the Integrity Recovery Campaign.


3. The Position

Title: Communication Specialist for the Integrity Recovery Campaign with the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine.

Place of service: Kyiv, Ukraine (mainly at the premises of the Ministry)

The responsibilities include the development and implementation of the Integrity Recovery Campaign for the Ministry for Restoration to promote best practices of integrity, transparency and accountability at the national and local level. This also involves promoting effective communication of the EUACI events, the Integrity Support Group activities and other activities aimed at promoting best practices of integrity recovery at the national and local levels.


4. Duration of contract 

The intended commencement date is the date of signature of the contract with the consultant, and the period of implementation of the contract will be 10 months, with a duration of a maximum of 200 working days. Services have to be provided in Kyiv.

The maximum budget for this activity is EUR 19 000.


4. Scope of work

Includes the following tasks with emphasis on activities to promote best practices of integrity, transparency and accountability in recovery at the national and local level, regional policy and decentralization, as well as and other related spheres within the competence of the profile Deputy Minister:

  • Develop and implement a communication strategy to promote best practices of integrity, transparency and accountability in recovery at the national and local level, decentralization and other related spheres within the competence of the profile deputy minister in the media.

  • Collaborate with the Ministry leadership to define key messaging and communication goals.

  • Create compelling content to raise awareness about best practices in recovery at both national and local levels. 

  • Develop and editing materials for the Ministry`s communication platforms. 

  • Foster positive relationships with stakeholders, media, and the public to amplify the campaign's impact.

  • Support in maintaining and developing the Ministry and profile deputy Minister social media presence.

  • Assist in the organizing of public events, coordinate interviews, press conferences, and other media engagements.

  • Assist in providing regular media monitoring reports.

  • Provide capacity building, including through mentoring of the Ministry staff.

  • Any other related tasks to support the Integrity Support Group and the EUACI.


5. Expected deliverables

Although the above scope of work is very much about guiding partners through a development process and helping them deliver the outputs in their results framework, this section translates the scope of work into some regular deliverables and specific outputs that the Communication Specialist will directly responsible for delivering. The tables below summarize the tentatively identified regular and specific deliverables and outputs.




Target Timeline/Due Dates



Output-based work plans, indicating the timing and estimated input of time in hours for carrying out jointly agreed activities.

Quarterly (or Monthly as agreed) /1 week before start of period

Integrity Support Group Team Leader 


Progress Reports, summarizing the progress made and results achieved over the period, and the Consultant’s recommendations for future actions.

Quarterly (or Monthly as agreed) / 1 week after end of the period.

Integrity Support Group Team Leader


Content materials

Not less than 10 articles/posts a month

Profile Deputy Minister, Integrity Support Group Team Leader


Invoices and signed timesheets, summarizing actual days worked and expenses incurred with reference to the agreed work plans

Quarterly (or Monthly as agreed) / max 2 weeks after end of the period

Component Team Leader


6. Demand Profile/Qualifications

Key qualifications:

  • Bachelor's or Master's degree in Communication, Public Relations, Journalism, or a related field.

  • At least two years of professional experience in conducting communication services. 

  • Experience in working with Ukrainian authorities is an advantage.

  • Good knowledge of social media platforms.

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

  • Familiarity with crisis communication and recovery efforts is an advantage.

  • The ability to work with tight deadlines, flexibility, and an entrepreneurial spirit.

  • Fluency in written and oral English and Ukrainian. 

  • Keen sense of ethics, integrity, and credibility.


Deadline for proposals submission March 12, 2024 18:00 Kyiv time.

How to apply

The candidate must submit the following information to be considered:

  1. CV.

  2. Provide a budget for the services in EUR (daily rate), inclusive of all taxes or other such charges (without VAT).

  3. Motivation letter (one page).

The proposals shall be submitted within the above deadlines to the e-mail: yanryz@um.dk, cc dmyiak@um.dk, indicating the subject line Communication Specialist for the Integrity Reconstruction campaign”.

Language: English.

Clarification questions

Questions for the Request for Bid should be addressed to Yana Ryzak yanryz@um.dk, cc dmyiak@um.dk, no later than 6 March 2024, 17:00 Kyiv time.