With the EUACI support the leadership of the NABU participated in the High-level International Conference in Croatia


The EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI) helps Ukrainian agencies engaged in corruption fight to establish contacts with international colleagues around the world.

On 15-16 October 2018 the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine supported the participation of leadership of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) in the High-level Conference ‘Strengthening Transparency and Accountability to ensure Integrity: United against Corruption’ in Šibenik, Croatia.

The companies, involved in corruption crimes in Ukraine are registered in 23 countries of three continents. The law enforcers of the majority of these countries approach us and provide the necessary evidence in criminal proceedings in the framework of international legal assistance. This evidence allows detectives to track financial flows and identify final beneficiaries of corruption-involved companies’, said Artem Sytnyk, the Director of NABU, on the importance of international cooperation and engagement of anti-corruption authorities at the international level.

Moreover, NABU entered into the international network of anti-corruption agencies. Together with heads of authorized state agencies from 18 Council of Europe-member states Mr. Artem Sytnyk signed the Declaration for a Network of Corruption Prevention Authorities. The newly created network will foster the systematic collection, management and exchange of information, intelligence and cooperation between national authorities that counteract corruption.

The conference was organized by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia in cooperation with the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) of the Council of Europe. More than 250 top politicians, prosecutors, justice ministers and high-profile level experts from all across the world took part in the Conference.

The EUACI continues to assist the Ukrainian anti-corruption agencies in fighting corruption and building partnership and networks with their foreign colleagues.

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