What is the current state of ‘open data’ in Ukraine? What challenges do businesses and the public face? What can be done  to further develop ‘open data’?

These were the key questions discussed by participants at the Closed Data Conference 5.0, held on 18 October in Kyiv. The event was focused on the opportunities and threats facing the open data sphere.

During his speech, the EUACI Team Leader on Integrity in Reconstruction Taras Sluchyk emphasized the importance of open data in construction and rebuilding processes:

“All processes related to construction require data. The quality of construction depends on high-quality, structured, and timely published data. The more data available to the public, the more opportunities there are to attract investment, and therefore the business can develop faster. Projects can be built faster. We can receive higher-quality services.” 

During the event, participants discussed:
– The importance of open data during wartime/
– The threats facing the sector.
– The role of critical data in rebuilding and developing the country/
– Legal protection of open data.

Watch the event (UKR): https://bit.ly/ClosedDataConference

The event was organized by the DEJURE Foundation with the support of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative.

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