With the support of EUACI, the Association of Legal Clinics of Ukraine will analise the corruption risks of the 2022 admission campaign

With the support of EUACI, the Association of Legal Clinics of Ukraine will analise the corruption risks of the 2022 admission campaign.
With the support of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI), the Association of Legal Clinics of Ukraine, together with the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, is launching a project to identify and address corruption risks in the admission campaign.
During martial law, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine was forced to transform the process of admission to higher education institutions. At the same time, the updated mechanism of access to universities, on the one hand, simplifies this process to increase the comfort of entrants and, on the other hand, may violate the rights of entrants to educational services in case of violation of integrity by individual officials.
The Anti-Corruption Analysis of the 2022 Admission Campaign project aims to prevent corruption risks that have arisen, particularly during the introduction of simplified procedures for graduation from secondary schools and during the admission campaign to higher education institutions in 2022.

The project involves the implementation of tasks:

1. Assessing corruption risks of higher education and compiling a list of typical risks:
– anti-corruption analysis of the Rules of Admission to Higher Education Institutions in 2022,
– development of measures to minimize corruption risks during the introductory campaign,
– development of recommendations on the involvement of the anti-corruption commissioner in the introductory campaign in order to minimize corruption risks during the simplified reception.
2. Development of a Telegram chatbot on corruption risks of the 2022 admission campaign (for students and anti-corruption commissioners)
3. Conducting an information campaign on the observance of the rights of recipients of educational services in martial law
– conducting a series of webinars for anti-corruption commissioners on their work during the induction campaign and their role in minimizing corruption risks,
– creation of an infographic with recommendations on how to protect the rights of entrants and students during martial law,
– creation of an animated video about the mechanisms for preventing corruption risks during the 2022 introductory campaign.
The project is supported by the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI), a leading EU-funded anti-corruption program in Ukraine, co-financed and implemented by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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