Presentation of Results of the Integrity Assessment of Municipal Enterprises in Chervonohrad


One of the priority directions of the EUACI’s cooperation with cities is the integrity assessments of critically important municipal enterprises. The main goal is to obtain practical recommendations and a roadmap for minimizing identified risks.

In March 2023, the Chervonohrad City Council, with the support of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative, launched a comprehensive assessment of the activities of two municipal enterprises – the “Central City Hospital of Chervonohrad City Council” and the water supply enterprise “Chervonohradvodokanal”. One of the world’s largest international consulting agencies, Deloitte, was engaged to conduct the assessments.

On 23 February, the results were presented in Chervonohrad.

‘The integrity assessments of municipal enterprises in Chervonohrad are a tool to minimize risks and improve management. In the future, the results will open up new opportunities for attracting additional funding for these entities,’ emphasized Taras Sluchyk, Team Leader of EUACI’s Component “Integrity Cities”.

The assessment lasted for 10 months. The key areas of activity were determined within which the indicators of integrity and stability were determined in accordance with the methodology.

‘It is no coincidence that the two municipal enterprises were selected as pilot participants in the integrity assessment, as these enterprises are strategically important and their quality operation is a guarantee of the community’s wealth. The assessment results give us an understanding of the direction in which the city needs to move to achieve European standards. I am confident that this experience will serve as best practices for other municipal enterprises in our community,’ said Chervonohrad City Mayor Andriy Zalivskyi.

In the next two months, Deloitte experts, together with the city council and municipal enterprises, will process the assessments’ results and develop a roadmap for eliminating identified risks.

The integrity assessment reports of both municipal enterprises in English and Ukrainian will be available soon. Stay tuned for updates.


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