High-quality Monitoring system of the State Anti-Corruption Program launched


On July 24, the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) presented the Monitoring System of the State Anti-Corruption Program to donors, international organizations and embassies representatives.

The information and monitoring system is a key tool to follow the process of implementation of the new ambitious State Anti-corruption Program. The system is funded by the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI).

During the presentation, Allan Pagh Kristensen, the Head of the EUACI, reminded of the importance of the State Anti-Corruption Program.

“Today, the fight against corruption is probably more important than ever. The effective implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Program will help to create an even better society and implement some of the reforms that society expects from the Government. The monitoring system is a high-quality tool that has many important functions and will show which authorities and state institutions fulfill their obligations and which do not. Thus, the government and society will be able to exercise additional control over the program’s implementation,” said Allan Pagh Kristensen.

The NACP will use the system to receive up-to-date information about the status of measures prescribed in the Program, and based on that data to carry out the analysis and initiate follow-up action  to ensure timely and high-quality implementation. The information system is already in operation: 500 representatives of public authorities are expected to enter information on the results of the implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025 in the first half of this year. 

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