EUACI experts to speak about helping fight against corruption on II Kharkiv International Legal Forum


On 25-28 September, one of the largest legal events of the year, II Kharkiv International Legal Forum, took place in Kharkiv.

The Anti-Corruption Initiative of the European Union in Ukraine (EUACI) was represented at the Forum by Elena Konceviciute, Senior Anti-Corruption Adviser, and Halyna Kokhan, Anti-Corruption Expert.

In her report Ms. Elena drew attention to the role of recommendations of the international organizations in reducing corruption in Lithuania in 2005-2015, presenting the results of a thorough scientific research .  At the end of her presentation, Elena Konceviciute, EUACI Senior Anti-Corruption Adviser, noted that despite the fact that international community’s paying attention to the fight against corruption, the greatest success on this path depends on the efforts made by the country itself in its fight against corruption.

In her turn, Ms. Halyna Kokhan have told about the assistance of international organizations, while starting the work of the High Anti-Corruption Court. In her presentation, she emphasized the contribution of EUACI in coordinating the efforts of international organizations while nominating candidates to the Public Council of International Experts (PCIE), creating PCIE and its Secretariat, and conducting communication promo-campaign on the competition for the High Anti-Corruption Court, as well as assisting in the development of model cases for the candidates and shaping the Anti-Corruption Court itself.

This year the Forum was held for the second time and gathered more than one thousand participants from Ukraine and more than 20 countries from all over the world. Among the speakers of the Forum there were representatives of state agencies of Ukraine: the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, the National Agency of Ukraine for finding, tracing and management of assets derived from corruption and other crimes (ARMA), the Office of Prosecutor General of Ukraine, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, the High Qualifications Commission of Judges of Ukraine, etc.

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