Law enforcement experts share their experience with Ukrainian counterparts in The Hague


14-16 March the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI) organized a study visit by representatives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO), the Agency for the Investigation and Management of Assets (ARMA) and the State Financial Monitoring Service (SFMS) to law enforcement agencies of the European Union and the Netherlands in The Hague.

14 March, NABU and SAPO representatives visited EUROJUST, the European Union Agency dealing with judicial co-operation in criminal matters. There, European colleagues showed the Ukrainian law-enforcement agencies with the structure of their organization and ways of interaction with Ukrainian authorities.

The next day, NABU, SAPO, ARMA and SFMS representatives visited their counterparts at EUROPOL, the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation. European specialists told about the peculiarities of work of the units working on the detection and fight against corruption, and shared interesting practices.

16 March, ARMA representatives met with specialists from the Dutch Asset Recovery and Management Agencies, who told about the peculiarities of their work in the Netherlands and the technology of asset tracing and its management.

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