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Another 2700 emergency items have reached Ukraine: Here are EUACI’s six steps to organising delivery of protective gear

Another 2700 emergency items have reached Ukraine: Here are EUACI’s six steps to organising delivery of protective gear

Media development foundation (MDF) works hard to help Ukrainian independent media survive the war

Media development foundation (MDF) works hard to help Ukrainian independent media survive the war

Charles Michel, President of the European Council, visited Kyiv and met with the EUACI

Charles Michel, President of the European Council, visited Kyiv and met with the EUACI

Seven years of fruitful and productive work of the NABU under Artem Sytnyk’s leadership

Seven years of fruitful and productive work of the NABU under Artem Sytnyk’s leadership

“Ukraine will win the war – Ukraine fights for freedom and Russia fights for slavery”: Meet 3 important persons in the EUACI emergency assistance of the Ukrainian people

“Ukraine will win the war – Ukraine fights for freedom and Russia fights for slavery”: Meet 3 important persons in the EUACI emergency assistance of the Ukrainian people

Bringing facts and trustworthy journalism to the public to counter Russia’s war of disinformation and propaganda

Bringing facts and trustworthy journalism to the public to counter Russia’s war of disinformation and propaganda

EUACI equipped dozens of shelters in Ukrainian cities

EUACI equipped dozens of shelters in Ukrainian cities

“From being a big anti-corruption program, we made the transition to become an emergency aid program just two days after the beginning of Putin’s war”

“From being a big anti-corruption program, we made the transition to become an emergency aid program just two days after the beginning of Putin’s war”

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