National Agency on Corruption Prevention experts visited Romanian National Integrity Agency


On 4-6 March 2020, the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative organised the study-tour to the Romanian National Integrity Agency (ANI) for NACP experts. The study tour aims at introducing NACP partners with the Romanian experience on the business processes of verifying declarations of TOP-officials in Romania, identifying and managing the conflict of interests, familiarizing with an online platform on corruption risks reporting and in general introducing with Romanian experience on reducing corruption practices.  

During the study tour, 8 NACP experts, including NACP Deputy Head, had productive and interesting meetings with its counterparts from the National Integrity Agency of Romania. They’ve learned about the general anti-corruption framework in Romania,  ANI’s organizational structure, business processes, its mandate and applied IT solutions. Moreover, NACP representatives dealing with corruption prevention met with their colleagues from the Anti-Corruption General Directorate of Romania (DGA) and discussed the topics on how they monitor and revise the corruption risks in Romania and work in the Application of corruption risks assisted management system. NACP considers taking this experience partly or fully on board. 

 «We are glad to receive the visit of NACP colleagues. During this visit, DGA signed a Protocol of cooperation on preventing corruption with the Ukrainian unit, so it will be a very good opportunity for all of us» – said Carmen Petrescu, Head of European Affairs and International Relations Service, DGA.

“The National Integrity Agency (ANI) of Romania became the first EU anti-corruption agency specializing in verifying wealth as well as applying the legal regime of conflicts of interests and incompatibilities. During nine years of its activity, the ANI has finalized over 12,000 investigations, identifying 1,461 cases of incompatibilities, 484 cases of administrative conflicts of interests, 139 cases of significant differences between incomes and assets, 304 criminal conflicts of interests and 333 cases of strong suspicion of criminal offense or corruption. That experience would be very helpful in our work in Ukraine”, – stated Roman Suhostavec, Deputy Head of NACP.

The EUACI continues to provide its expert, technical and capacity development support to Ukrainian anti-corruption agencies. Such study tours like this assists in building professional networks, exchange experience, and lessons learned between two preventive agencies which, eventually, contributes to the global fight against corruption. 


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