NABU and Financial Intelligence discuss how to detect corrupt proceeds


22-23 February NABU and State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine held a seminar for banks and financial institutions on how to detect proceeds from corruption. Participants discussed how the interaction between banks and law enforcement agencies could contribute to the implementation of anti-corruption legislation on financial monitoring. The seminar was organized by the representatives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine together with the National Bank of Ukraine and the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine with the support from the EU Anticorruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI).

The purpose of the seminar was to expand dialogue with the financial sector and raise its awareness in detecting criminal corruption offenses.

During the seminar, the participants discussed the following:

– prevention and counteraction of corruption: anti-corruption authorities, role of the private sector;

– interaction between the private sector and anti-corruption bodies;

– identification of the risks of declaring inaccurate information and illegal enrichment;

– monitoring of financial operations of public figures and transactions with public funds, as well as other issues.

Representatives of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market, the National Financial Services Commission, representatives of Transparency International and the Anti-Corruption Action Centre attended the seminar as well.

“Detection, further arrest and confiscation of corrupt incomes is one of the important stages in the fight against corruption. It shows to corrupt officials that there is no impunity and the corrupt assets– will not remain in their pockets,” commented on the importance of this seminar EUACI anti-corruption expert Serhiy Derkach.

NABU and EUACI plan to organize further similar seminars and information activities for the financial sector in different regions of Ukraine.

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