EUACI will support the projects of 6 NGOs based on the results of national grant competitions


Civil society and the media play an important role in Ukraine in raising awareness, investigating corruption, and developing and advocating for legislation and other public policies.

In early May, the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative announced a grant competition within its 4th thematic area to develop and enhance the competence of civil society organizations and the media in the fight against corruption. Within a month, 43 applications were submitted for the competition.

The competition committee selected 6 winning projects that will receive EUACI grant support in 2024-2026.

1.National competition for development and enhancement of competence of civil society organizations and media in the fight against corruption. The competition aims to help attract new talent to the anti-corruption sector, develop the capacity of civil society organizations, and facilitate networking and exchange of best practices between national and regional representatives of the sector.

The winners are:

Media Development Foundation

In its project, the Media Development Foundation will focus on enhancing the skills of regional investigative journalists through training courses, workshops, mentoring support, and networking opportunities.


EdEra initiates the creation of a continuation of the anti-corruption investigation game “NABU Investigates 2.0,” which will systematize information about anti-corruption investigations and show how the National Bureau conducts them.

Agency for Legislative Initiatives

The Agency for Legislative Initiatives will create and implement a training program to increase the capacity of anti-corruption institutions and representatives of civil society organizations.

2.National Competition for Monitoring Selection to Anti-Corruption Institutions. Its goal is to assist civil society organizations in assessing the competitive selection of candidates for managerial and other positions in key anti-corruption institutions.

The winners are:

Transparency International Ukraine will monitor the competitive procedure for selecting candidates for the High Anti-corruption Court judge position.

The All-Ukrainian Association Automaidan will monitor the competition and analyze candidates for the position of Head of the Bureau of Economic Security (BES), prosecutors of the Specialized Anti-corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAP), and detectives of the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU).

3. The National Investigative Journalism Support Competition, which focuses on supporting investigative journalists and media in investigating corruption. was selected as the winner. Their team will implement a project aimed at raising public awareness of corruption cases and strengthening the capacity of regional investigative journalists and anti-corruption activists to investigate and counteract corruption.

Congratulations to the winners! We look forward to seeing their achievements in the anti-corruption sector. 

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