Agreement for financing the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative – Phase II signed


On 8 July during the EU-Ukraine Summit in Kyiv the Government of Ukraine and European Commission have signed the agreement on the funding of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI) – Phase II with a duration of five years.

According to the document, Ukraine will receive from the European Union (EUR15 Mln) and Danish Government (7.9 Mln) aimed at implementation of anti-corruption policy in Ukraine, thereby ultimately contributing to a reduction of corruption in the country. The EUACI – Phase II will be implemented by DANIDA on behalf of EU. The assistance within EUACI – Phase II initiative will focus on the following directions: 

  • strengthening the independence and effectiveness of anti-corruption institutions,
  • improving governance and transparency on the local level.

Eka Tkeshelashvili, Head of the EUACI, said that the second phase of the programme will begin in 2020. Its vectors will be discussed with the Ukrainian Government. 

“Clearly, all the work that we’ve done until now for the development of state structure in the sphere of anti-corruption is not finished. For example, there is the project of digital transformation in criminal proceedings at  NABU and SAPO. This year, thanks to the assistance of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative, an electronic system for managing criminal proceedings will be implemented to digitize the process of criminal case management. This is not only a step forward, it is an unprecedented breakthrough for Ukrainian law enforcement. It would be logical to continue this work in the second phase of our Programme”, said Eka Tkeshelashvili. 

EU Anti-Corruption Initiative – Phase II with a duration of five years is supported by the European Commission and by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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