UN member states join efforts in corruption fight


The representatives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) took part in the ninth session of the Monitoring Group on implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption. The event was held on 12-14 November, 2018 in Vienna (Austria) and gathered the representatives from more than 180 countries.

The participants reviewed successful practices of implementing the provisions of the Convention, the difficulties that countries are facing, and expressed the needs for technical assistance. The information was gathered during the monitoring of 41 countries’ implementation of chapters III (Criminalization and law enforcement) and IV (International Cooperation) of the Convention.

By the results of the draw, Ukraine and Czech Republic will monitor Croatia this year. The purpose of this monitoring is to assist the country in implementing the provisions of the Convention. In particular, this includes: exchange of information and experience, and international cooperation within investigation of corruption crimes. 

Ukraine signed the UN Convention against Corruption in October 2003. After its ratification in 2010, the Convention became an integral part of Ukrainian legislation.

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