Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has established a Whistle-blower mechanism


The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has established a Whistle-blower mechanism with the purpose of expanding opportunities to speak out about impermissible circumstances in the MFA without fear of negative consequences.

The mechanism can also be used by employees of the MFA’s external partners, who have a more continuous or formalized collaboration with the MFA, including with the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI). 

Reports can be submitted regarding criminal offenses, serious or repeated violations of the law or principles of administrative law, serious personal conflicts, sexual harassment, and deliberate misinformation of citizens and partners via the MFA’s website.

The whistle-blower mechanism stands alongside the other reporting channels in the MFA, particularly Danida’s anticorruption hotline, which pertains to irregular administration of development assistance or similar external grants.

European Union Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI) co-funded and implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark is pleased to maintain the highest standards of integrity and professional ethics among staff and to ensuring the proper administration of public funds. We want to promote an open organizational structure where staff can safely report illegalities or serious irregularities.

You can read more about the Whistle-blower mechanism here.


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