Results of the mapping of civil society organisations in the ‘Integrity Cities’


The NGO “CCC Creative Centre” recently presented a report on the potential of civil society organisations (CSO) in five cities of Ukraine that was prepared with the support of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine. The full report can be read and downloaded on the Resources page. A summary of the research is also available.

A survey of 65 CSOs conducted as part of the study showed that:

  • 36 are involved in advocacy, namely: raising awareness about the problems and interests of communities, mobilizing CSOs and communities, strengthening accountability systems and carrying out public monitoring and oversight;
  • 48 cooperate with local government bodies and believe their activities complement each other, despite differences in how they are carried out; 
  • CSOs in the selected cities do not systematically work to fight corruption and do not have the knowledge and experience to do so, although some CSOs have had success in identifying and overcoming corruption on the local level;
  • 52 are ready to join EUACI projects.

In general, the research showed that CSOs in Integrity Cities have the potential to develop and expand their anti-corruption activities, but need additional financial and advisory support.  

The study of Ukrainian CSOs was conducted in October-December 2018 at the request of the EUACI. The aim was to assess the technical and programmatic potential of non-profit organisations to identify their needs for further development and to use the results to implement anti-corruption policy in Ukraine within the framework of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative. The study was conducted in five cities within the framework of the “Integrity Cities” project (Chernivtsi, Chervonohrad, Nikopol, Zhytomyr and Mariupol).

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