Centre of Policy and Legal Reform presents 2 reports on the High Anti-Corruption Court


On 20 March 2020, Centre of Policy and Legal Reform (CPLR) with the support of EUACI held an online round table and presented two reports on the administration of justice by the High Anti-Corruption Court and its institutional and organizational development. Reports were drafted based on the results of 6 months of monitoring by CPLR experts. 

HACC Judges, its chief of staff, representatives of international donors as well as Ukrainian CSOs and experts actively participated in the discussion. The participants discussed various ways of improving HACC’s functionale, including possible changes to legislation, better cooperation with the executive authorities, and prioritization of cases.

Reports stress on the significant and voluminous work undertaken to establish the Court and make it operational as well as challenges faced among others by lack of proper premises, the complexity of criminal cases, etc. 

Reports also envisage recommendations to various stakeholders on how to address the issues of the HACC development and proposals to ensure the best court practice in the newly created judicial institution. 

“Now comes a very important period for HACC, when it moves from initial establishment stage to the stage of institutional development. Therefore, we focus now our efforts on supporting HACC to evolve its practice, which can further become a role model for other courts” –  stated Eka Tkeshelashvili, Head of the EUACI, during the opening of the round table.

One of the key components of EUACI is supporting selected national CSOs in implementing initiatives aimed at the anti-corruption agenda. In this regard, EUACI has long-standing and fruitful cooperation with the Centre of Policy and Legal Reform.


Please see the full reports by the following links:

Report: https://pravo.org.ua/ua/about/books/HACC_report_2 

Report Summary: https://pravo.org.ua/ua/about/books/HACC_report_2_summary_eng

Presentation: https://bit.ly/2QE5nG9 


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