Bringing facts and trustworthy journalism to the public to counter Russia’s war of disinformation and propaganda


To counter Russia’s war of disinformation and propaganda there is a need to bring facts and trustworthy journalism to the public and to support those advocating for peace and who are standing up against the aggressor.

That is why during the war, we started cooperating with our CSO partners in new directions:

The Anti-Corruption Action Center (AntAC) implements international advocacy on social networks designed to raise awareness of the horrors of war and protect the information front of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Slidstvo.Info collects and publishes materials about human rights violations and the consequences of the war. The project is aimed at both Ukrainian and foreign audiences.

TI Ukraine focuses on strengthening the sanctions regime against Russia and providing all kinds of support to Ukraine through advocacy campaigns, including those aimed at international business.

The partners also provide immediate emergency support to people in need.

In the photo – thousands of Ukrainians joined the AntAC’s demonstration on March 25 in Warsaw.

More news and events

Congratulations to the NACP on its 10th anniversary!


Professional development of judges of the High Anti-Corruption Court


The EUACI’s Steering Committee meeting took place in Kyiv

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