ARMA to cooperate with Europol


ARMA has been included in the list of  experienced Ukrainian authorities that cooperate with the European Police Office.

In addition, except for the exchange of information cooperation of ARMA with the European Police Office may include the exchange of special knowledge, strategic analysis results, information on criminal investigation procedures, information on crime prevention methods, participation in educational activities, as well as providing advice and support in selected criminal investigations. 

Anton Yanchuk, the Head of ARMA, stressed: ‘The inclusion of the National Agency (ARMA) in the list of experienced authorities for the transfer of information from Europol to Ukraine and transfer of information in Ukraine will significantly expand the format of cooperation, facilitate the exchange of operational information in criminal proceedings and participation in joint investigations of a much wider range of crimes. It will also provide participation in the analysis of operational data’.

The agreement on operational and strategic cooperation between Ukraine and Europol was ratified on July 12, 2017. However, formal procedures and consultations have just come to an end only now.

The purpose of the Agreement is to establish cooperation between Ukraine and EU member states in preventing and combating organized crime, corruption, terrorism and other forms of international crime.

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