Anti-Corruption Domino: When every small piece counts in the Fight against Corruption


In July, the information campaign “You are part of the anti-corruption initiative!” was launched in Ukraine. While focusing on the importance of each individual contributing to the fight against corruption, it will highlight the role of the anti-corruption infrastructure of Ukraine, the civil society, journalists and local governments. The campaign rests on the idea that only a holistic approach to the fight against corruption will be successful. It also aims at assuring Ukrainians of strong international support in this fight, including through the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUAC).

There are several independent anti-corruption bodies in Ukraine. Some are focusing on preventing corruption where the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) is in the lead. Others constitute a system for investigating (the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, NABU), prosecuting (the specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, SAPO) and adjudication of cases (the High Anti-Corruption Court, HACC) of corrupt officials. Ukraine has all the necessary structures in place and they are making good progress in a difficult environment.  One of EUACI’s tasks is to strengthen their capacity and assist them in their institutional development. Another task is to support civil society and investigate journalists working in the field of anti-corruption and to improve integrity and transparency at the local level. 

Each person can become a catalyst and a driver in the fight against corruption. By leading by example and demanding change, all Ukrainians can become pieces in a Domino eventually leading to the dismantling of corrupt structures. Structures that prevent societies from developing and that transfer resources away from the state and the public services that are in need. We support Ukraine in this fight and we do it through a holistic approach working with citizens, institutions, businesses and media.  We are convinced that this is the only way that we can bring this Domino game to a successful ending” – commented on the launch Allan Pagh Kristensen, Head of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine.

This campaign illustrates the holistic approach and the importance of the actions by individuals by integrating our target audience – responsible Ukrainians – into the anti-corruption Domino. In mid-June, government officials, public figures, journalists and ordinary citizens will be able to see their mirror reflections in one of the domino-style interactive citylights installed in Ukrainian cities and feel part of an anti-corruption mechanism. 

We want to remind every Ukrainian that he or she is an integral part of the anti-corruption effort, and its success depends on them”.


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