A unique dialogue festival ‘DumkoFest.Anticorruption’


On September 23, Kyiv hosts the first opinion festival in Ukraine about corruption – DumkoFest.Anticorruption. This one-day event dedicated to promotion of integrity ideas and open dialogue will start at 12:00 in Shevchenko park.

DumkoFest.Anticorruption is a platform for open discussions with opinion leaders, representatives of non-governmental organizations and journalists about the country’s main issue – how to prevent and overcome corruption and achieve success without bribes. Any visitor, regardless to the position and occupation, at the festival will be able to discuss the effectiveness of reforms and the integrity of Ukrainian citizens with the representatives of anti-corruption agencies, investigative journalists and international experts.

The main topics of discussions are: myths about corruption, success stories without corruption, recipes for effective counteraction to corruption and the features of anticorruption cuisine.

Discussion "Anticorruption cuisine. Recipe for Ukraine"

The festival will be attended by Eka Tkeshelashvili, the Head of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI), Artem Sytnyk, the Director of the NABU, and Marcus Brand, UNDP’s Team Leader of Democratic Governance Team.

DumkoFest.Anticorruption consists of two stages – the main and the one for the youth – which will work in parallel. In addition, the participants of the Festival will have an opportunity to talk to the journalists-investigators and civic activists on the Alley of NGOs and to participate in interactive polls.

Organizers of thisopen dialogue Festival are: NABU, United Nations Development Program in Ukraine, EU Anticorruption Initiative in Ukraine, Estonian Center for Eastern Partnership.

Venue: Kyiv, Shevchenko Park.

Admission is free!

Detailed program can be found at dumkofest.org.

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