The EU Anti-Corruption Initiative expert took part in a big Legal Forum [translations pending]


The most significant legal event of the year – Kharkiv Legal Forum – was held in Kharkiv on September 25-28. It was an open platform for discussing the most urgent issues of the global legal community. The special topic of 2018 were developments in law during the era of digital economy.

The Forum was opened on September 25 at the Palace of Students of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University with the participation of Minister of Justice of Ukraine Pavlo Petrenko.

During the Forum four panel discussions were held. Researchers from the USA, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Estonia and other countries, representatives of the EU, OSCE missions, OSER, EU Anti-Corruption Initiative and other international organizations, as well as the judges of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court of Ukraine, have joined the discussions.

Elena Konceviciute, EUACI Senior Anti-Corruption Advisor, took part in the first panel discussion ‘An effective criminal justice system as a factor for sustainable economic development’. In particular, she told about Lithuania’s experience and the instruments that can be used by the international organizations to help Ukraine in the fight against corruption.

Halyna Kokhan, EUACI Anti-Corruption Expert presented her report “Launch of the High Anti-Corruption Court in the Prisma of the Assistance of International Organizations”.

Besides, the trainings on corporate and intellectual property rights, a series of workshops on human rights and gender equality, meetings with representatives of the government, the judiciary and the prosecutor’s office were held at the forum.

Together with the panel discussions, programmes for business, human rights organizations, students and events for improving the quality of legal education with the support of the USAID program ‘New Justice’, were also organized.

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